Stopping Smoking Tomorrow Might Be Too Late

Most smokers believe that they will stop smoking at some point in time in the future. They accept that smoking is not a healthy long-term habit and may even be affecting them in the short-term too.

Smoking does seem to be a bit like playing russian roulette with your life. Some smokers survive into their eighties and nineties still smoking. Others contract breast cancer or throat cancer in their late twenties. So it is not a definite art to predicting the life expectancy of any individual smoker.

When someone decides that they have had enough of smoking, the next decision they need to make is “when?”. When will they stop? Typically a person will look at their life and future plans and attempt to find a period of time when they know they will feel less stressed and there are no events that might tempt them back into smoking.

Looking for possible challenges to sticking to a decision to stop smoking is clearly a sensible and logical strategy to employ. There is only one flaw is this strategy though. You see there will always be future events that might encourage a return to smoking.

Some people delay quitting smoking until after their own, a friend’s or relative’s wedding (stag and hen nights too). Then there is the christening of your god child. Don’t forget your best mate’s 30th burthday bash. What with a holiday and that golfing weekend and New Year almost upon us, it can seem better to wait until tomorrow rather than stopping today.

The world is full of smokers who wish they had quit yesterday and not tomorrow, They regret not stopping years earlier because they have been diagnosed with a smoking related illness. They now have to stop smoking because of their illness and also at the same time cope with the stress and anxiety that this diagnosis brings.

So if you are thinking that it is time to stop smoking but you have decided not to stop until after Christmas you need to think again. What you really need to do is to stop the excuses and stop the delay and take control of your life today.

If only you really new what being free of the threat of smoking related illness was like. If only you knew what it would be like not to smell good and be confident abourt your breath. If you knew how good you feel about yourself in being a non-smoker and the pride you can sense at your achievement. And how so many people who stop then feel so inspired and motivated that they make other life-affirming activities.

Tomorrow…. well who knows what tomorrow will bring. That’s why you need to make your decision today. Whatever method you choose to stop smoking is up to you. The only important matter is that you choose to stop now. If you need a little extra help and want to improve dramatically your chances of quitting successfully seek the help of a stop smoking hypnotherapist.

Ready to stop smoking > > > Stop Smoking Hypnosis

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One Comment on “Stopping Smoking Tomorrow Might Be Too Late”

  1. Joe Camel Says:

    Some folks are not smart enough to figure out the antismoking claptrap they are bombarded with on a daily basis.

    I’ll do it for you. IF YOU SEE A 90 YEAR OLD SMOKER,YOU’VE SEEN POSITIVE PROOF THAT SMOKING IS HARMLESS. If a smoker dies of the mumps,that doesn’t mean smoking caused it.

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