Posted tagged ‘marketing’

Hypnotherapists and Marketing

December 17, 2008

Many hypnotherapists may take a pessimistic view of these current economic times. There is no doubt that all of us are watching the pennies and thinking twice before buying those items we consider to be luxuries.

With this in mind you might be tempted to stop marketing your hypnotherapy services. If you were to do so, in my opinion,  this would be a mistake.

During this time known as the credit crunch it is even more important that we make our services known to the general public. As you know hypnotherapists are particularly effective at helping others to reduce their stress and anxiety and to to feel calmer about their situation.

We tend to handle life much better if we feel calmer and more relaxed and this is where as hypnotherapists our strength lies.

So during these hard financial times when television and newspaper headlines seem to be filled with “doom and gloom” our duty is to let others know that they do not have to suffer alone and there is effective support available.

If anything, as hypnotherapists we should be increasing our marketing and getting the word our there about how benefical hypnosis really is.

I am also still learning more about marketing and this is being aided by internet marketing expert Alex Jeffreys