Posted tagged ‘stop smoking essex’

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

September 30, 2008

None of us are the same. We are all unique. This is also true when it comes to stopping smoking. Some smokers quit smoking by willpower alone. Others use the patches, gum or lozenges. Then there are also zyban and the faux cigarette holders too.

All of the above methods for quitting smoking will have their fans and successes. Some ex-smokers will have used a combination of these quit smoking methods and succeeded too.

One of the most successful forms of support and help for smokers wanting to quit is hypnotherapy. A stop smoking hypnosis session usually is a “one off”. In other words, one session is usually all that is required to help someone quit smoking.

The most important factor that any smoker needs to have when choosing to a quit smoking hypnosis session is that they must have made up their own mind to quit smoking. If they are quitting smoking because a spouse, relative or friend has persuaded them to stop, they are less likely to stop smoking permanently.

Hypnosis should be viewed as providing extra support and not as the aid that will stop you stop smoking. It supports a decision to stop.

Find out more >>> Quit Smoking Hypnosis